EUPAN SUMMER School 2023

Transparency, Accountability, Participation and Public integrity

Inscripcions tancades



L´objectiu de l´Escola d´Estiu d´EUPAN és l´intercanvi d´experiències entre les administracions de la UE en el marc de sessions presencials que combinen breus ponències magistrals, amb dinàmiques de compartició d´experiències i impressions en grups reduïts, dinamitzats pels experts i la organització.
En continuïtat amb les iniciatives alemanyes i franceses (2021 i 2022), l'Escola d'Estiu d'EUPAN 2023 se centrarà en Govern Obert, entès com el sistema de governança basat en els pilars de transparència, rendició de comptes, participació ciutadana i integritat pública, posant el ciutadà al centre del procés de decisió de les polítiques públiques.
L´Escola d´Estiu s´estructurarà en una sèrie de conferències impartides per prestigiosos experts nacionals i internacionals en matèries relacionats en Govern Obert, seguides de tallers al final de cada jornada i un debat sobre els temes analitzats.


06/11/2023 Sala Raval - CCCB
OPEN GOVERNMENT_ Transparency as the First Step
09:30 - 10:00 - Summer School Institutional Inauguration

- Lidia Sánchez Milán
, Secretary of State of Civil Service (Video)
- Clara Mapelli
, DG Public Governance
- Margarita León
, Academic Director CUIMPB
10:00 - 11:30 - OPEN GOVERNMENT. Building Trust Towards a Better Democracy
Modera: Lázaro Tuñón , Deputy Director for Open Government

Keynote Speech
David Goessmann , Policy Analyst of Open Government, OECD
11:30 - 12:00 - Coffee Break
12:00 - 13:30 - TRANSPARENCY_PRO-ACTIVE DISCLOSURE. The Why and How of Letting Citizens ‘see through’ Government
Modera: Floortje Fontein , Policy Officer Open Government, Ministry of Interior and Kingdom Relations, The Netherlands

Good Practises in Finland
Ira Alanko , Ministerial Adviser. Public Governance Department. Ministry of Finance Finland

Sub-directorate of Transparency and Citizen Services ,
13:30 - 15:00 - Lunch
15:00 - 16:30 - TRANSPARENCY_ACCESS TO INFORMATION.Individual Right, Public Duty
Modera: Helen Darbishire , Executive Director, Access Info

Good practices in Estonia
Ott Karulin , Advisor in Government Office, Estonia
19:00 - 20:30 - Cultural activity and Family Photo
20:30 - 22:00 - Group Dinner
07/11/2023 Sala Raval - CCCB
PARTICIPATION. Democracy beyond the ballot box
09:30 - 11:30 - PARTICIPATION How to increase Citizen Engagement?. Mainstreaming Participation and Deliberative Processes
Modera: Ariana Guevara , Pre-doctoral researcher, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, UNAM

Lightning talk and practical exercise
Tim Hughes , Lead, Democracy and Participation, Open Government Partnership
11:30 - 12:00 - Coffee Break
12:00 - 13:30 - PARTICIPATION_ Innovation Labs and New Approaches. How can digital tools help us to build more democratic societies?
Modera: Celia Ortega , Area Coordinator for Open Government

Latin America_Good Practises in Colombia
Diana Dajer , Fundación Corona (online)
13:30 - 15:00 - Lunch
15:00 - 16:00 - Public Participation What’s Next?
Modera: Marta Crespo , Advisor, DG Public Governance

Mayara Soares , Open Government Project Officer. Direction interministérielle de la transformation publique (DITP), France

Sabina Belloti , Policy Advisor Public Sector Innovation. Prime Minister Office, Italy

Lázaro Tuñón , Deputy Director for Open Government Project Officer
16:00 - 17:00 - Speed-Dating on Participation Experiences

- Aragón Lab. Gobierno Fácil
, Mariana Cancela Moreira and Elena García Herrando
- Decidim Barcelona
, Antonia Sánchez
- Capital Europea de la Democracia
, Ángela Precht
- Decide Madrid
, María Pía Junquera and Luis Rodríguez Vega
08/11/2023 Sala Raval - CCCB
ACCOUNTABILITY & PUBLIC INTEGRITY at the core of Open Government
09:30 - 11:30 - ACCOUNTABILITY_ Assessment can no longer be an option. The need of Evaluation to Responsible Governments
Modera: Yolanda Santos Lamata , IEVAL

Alejandro Márquez , Deputy Director in Accountability Unit Ministry of Presidency

César Colino , Professor in Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (UNED)
11:30 - 12:00 - Coffee Break
12:00 - 13:30 - PUBLIC INTEGRITY: Whistleblower Protection and Peventive Integrity Systems
Modera: David Martínez , Executive Director. Transparency International

Good practices in Europe
Jacobo Fernández , General Technical Secretary in the Spanish Ministry of Justice
13:30 - 15:00 - Farewell cocktail. Institutional closing by Coordination Team